about me

I'm a Berlin based pedagogue who worked at social services for nearly 20 years. Over the time I fell in love with media design. I taught myself Adobe CS especially InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator, coding websites via HTML and CSS and created layouts and designs on part-time projects.

Currently I am praticing my HTML and CSS skills and getting started with JavaScript via freecodecamp, Udemy, codewars and other sources. NodeJS and React will follow. I am highly motivated to get more involved with coding and web development, constantly practicing my skills and gain as much knowledge as possible.


webapp for moepfestival
rollin dices project
cd covers band dymala
flyer hannah arendt lectures 2015
zencalc calculator web app
more content to come soon

contact me

Do you like my work? Do you have questions or want to say hi? I am always open for new people, ideas, job offers, projects ...
Just get in touch.